at the moment i am taking a break from development as of now I have implemented the supply drops and the grenades as well as the wasp enemy. sorry for the very...
enemy reworks first off i finally added new enemys and reworked the old ones, starting with the walker i redone the model to make it lower poly as well as addin...
Ok so i have been gone for quite a while in that time i have been playing video games for inspiration and getting better at using unity and the C# language. So...
bounce pads! ever wanted to get high? WELL NOW YOU CAN! with bounce pads, bounce pads launch you into the air allowing you to reach whole new areas! need to esc...
map unlockables the next level literally Ok so i had an idea what if alongside soul points upgrades were parts of the map you could unlock to keep game-play fr...
soul points rewrite OK OK so after extensive play-testing the basic survival mode i have come to the decision that soul points and be bought during game play th...
changes to the survival mode: points shop! in order to make the survival mode balenced instead of it just being lemme set my clip to max as well as ammo and da...