map unlockables and hyper bosses

map unlockables

the next level 


Ok so i had an idea what if alongside soul points upgrades were parts of the map you could unlock to keep game-play fresh. Such as on a map i am currently designing called towers a even taller tower that spawns in once you buy it allowing you to use that maybe even once unlocked it adds a new boss to the map that rewards you with a few more credits than usual. there would be only one or 2 more unlock-able parts to the map but it would stay unlocked once you have it even after death.

hyper bosses the future of death

these new guys are going to make life tough for you lots of health fast and upon death they grant alot of points. killing them is going to require smarts and alot of ammo. To make sure you dont die to them straight away you need to summon them first you need to buy the summoners book using points and then kill 5 normal bosses and go to the summoning circle on the map you are playing on. the summoning will teleport you to the highest point on the map or the furthest point away from the summon circle. you will also be granted upon summoning all your lives back THIS BOSS IS FASTER THAN YOU so use the map design to your advantage. although only certain maps will include hyperbosses as i add more mobility options they will become avaliabe to every basegame map.

thats all cya!

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