where have i been?

Ok so i have been gone for quite a while in that time i have been playing video games for inspiration and getting better at using unity and the C# language. So between the time i haven't posted a devlog and this post i haven't touched Weapon Workshop but that doesn't mean i haven't been thinking about it. For now all new ideas are on hold whilst i work on polishing the current ones. I will still be posting devlogs here and short clips on the game. this goes without saying but all models are works in progress and will eventually be replaced with alot better ones. I will also still be updating the trello board (link below). Also i have been working on a new website so check that out once i release  the domain.  Almost forgot but a late merry Christmas from me hope it was a great one and that 2021 is a better year for all of us.

Until nextime, cya


trello - https://trello.com/b/wsBgfg9w/weapon-workshop

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