monthly devlog #1

koth map sneak peekenemy reworks

first off i finally added new enemys and reworked the old ones, starting with the walker i redone the model to make it lower poly as well as adding a new material to it so it fits in with the new enemy designs. I also added the first boss the turret it will rotate itself to face your position as it proceeds to bombard you with a sea of bullets. and lastly i have made the wasp a flying enemy that will shoot at you like the turret but can also follow you around you need to shoot its eye to destroy it any other places you shoot it deal no damage.

spawner rework

i added a model to the spawner as well as a hitbox so you can shoot it and "disable it for 120 seconds" this allows you to prepare for boss fights and make them a bit easier.

the first map

i have added the first map whilst still in progress it is 80% complete an image of it so far can be seen below it is a basic map where you have to defend the top area whilst managing ammo and your clip.

new shop system

the shops now have stations instead of accessing them from your escape menu you go to the nearest one and upgrade your guns and buy stuff from the shop.

whats next?

the wasp enemy carrier that fly's over the map periodically to drop off the wasps. 

THE S L A P (a melee attack that deals a bit of damage and knocks back enemys)

more upgrades such as shotgun mode bullet spread smg upgrade and assault rifle upgrade

and a better main menu design

thanks all - obsolete dev

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